Buying a property in Spain? 

Always ask for a second opinion!

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 Buying a Property in Spain

Maybe it is one of the most important decisions in the life of a person. Choosing the one that most fits our needs, its location and financing, is well worth a previous study that lets us make the correct decision.

Having a second opinion  before buying, from someone not involved in the transaction in any way, gives us an external, objective, independent and neutral view of what we are considering buying and gives us more arguments for or against buying the property under consideration.

This external view will be sent to your email in the form of an easily readable and understandable report in a very short space of time from when you order it.

If you do decide to close the deal, buy and sign the title deed this implies certain administrative steps which all buyers must know in order to complete the purchase in a correct and satisfactory way.

At we add value for our clients along these two main lines; analyzing the different aspects of the property you wish to buy and its location and/or helping you administratively with the purchase in itself.

Contact us now and avoid unpleasant and costly surprises!



From advice on whether to buy or not to buy a property, to full assistance during the complete purchase process.



I.- Ask for the report which best suits your needs.
II.- Provide us with the required information.
III.- Receive your report.
IV.- Make the correct decision!

How it works


At these prices anyone can ask for a second opinion. Your report in several languages is just a click away!


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